Hola Mi Familia/Amigos,
Wow! I know i say
this at the begginging of ever letter, but i dont even know how to
explain how crazy fast time is flying, its rediculous! I cannot believe
i have been away from home, for a complete month now! Its insane! But i
know that the Lord is blessing me for doing this, and that the time is
going by fast because i have lost myself in the work! My Companion and I
are getting along so well, as well as our district, We all wish we were
headed to the same mission. Were all going to miss each other so much,
out in the mission field, or once we leave for our seperate missions. It
was Elder Howlett's Birthday a few days ago, so we have plenty of food,
and everything! He got like 6 Good size Packages for his birthday!
Which was awesome, because he was struggling missing his family at the
Our lessons, that we are teaching to the Investigators,are
going so well, so far we would have already had 2 baptisms! Its
incredible, because you obviously know they are your teacher but the
investigator, that they act as, is a real investigator that they taught,
when they were in there mission field, so they already have such a
great love for the person, thats it seems real! Elder Howlett and I did a
very cool role play thing, with our teacher that got very spiritual! He
was teaching us about, what to do when an investigator has been doing
so well, and than all the sudden the next lesson, he has no interest,
and doesnt want you to ever visit him again! He than said, we are going
to try it, and he chose Elder Howlett and I, which in English i could
have done so easily, but i had no time to prepare,as he put us on the
spot, in Spanish! I than knocked on the door, it was such a frustrating
time, we completely failed! Hermano Arce, than taught us how to do, it
and explain we should just ask if we can leave him with our testimony,
and with a pray! He than asked if we would do it again, and i was
hesitant, about doing so, because the first time was so frustrating. We
than agreed to doing it, and told us in english would be great, that way
the rest of the class, would understand how to do it. I completely
agreed! I knocked on the door, asked if i could atleast Bare my
testimony. He was Struggling with Alcohol, and so i Left my testimony
with him, and began to tell him, that his family will be blessed for him
overcoming such a hard trial! I Told him the story of grandpa Hunt, and
Bore my testimony, on how i knew, even though back at home, they are
struggling, the Lord is blessing them, and Blessing me for being here!
By the end of the Example, we did for the class, i had the whole class
in tears, including Hermano Arce! The spirit was so strong! It was
nights, are Definately my hardest night, but with everyweek they are
becoming so much easier! The reason they are so hard for me, with
missing home and such, is because i know, that at home, they are all
watching the bachelorette as a family, or basketball, or something along
those lines! Even though im more of a man than to be watching the
Bachelorette, unlike someone!(Abraham) Or they are playing ping pong,
and im just sitting there watching a church related movie with a bunch
of dudes! Ha Ha
We do a thing called TRC, which is where we teach
people, who are already members, so we just teach them, like a family
home evening lesson. They usually, do it with people, who come into El
CCM (MTC), but this past week, we were lucky enough to do it over skype!
Because they wanted us to do it with native, people who spoke hardly no
english, and spoke the way the people will speak that we are going to
teach! It was so much fun, we happened to get signed up with Hermano
Arce's, sister who lives in Mexico, literally right across the street
from the CCM, in Mexico! The whole time, we were supposed to be giving
her a lesson, but we just shared a few scriptures, and than talked about
Hermano Arce, the whole time! It was so much fun!
Hermano Arce, is our teacher, who lives in Mexico, but
is here at BYU on a student visa! So he has to be here for a full year
before going back to Mexico. He is a little guy, so we are always giving
him our food to eat, that we dont want, because he is probably 5 10,
but weights 135 pounds, ya skinny little guy, but has the biggest heart
for us missionaries, and always looking so spiffy!
Anyways, just want you all to know, i love you all! And will send more, next week with my last email here in the MTC!
Love, Elder Albertson
Me and Elder Barney, and Elder Blackley leaving
Tim Tebowing with my Saber
Light Saber Time
Me with my zone Leaders, Elder Townsend, and Elder Perez