Monday, January 6, 2014

December 30, 2013

Hola Familia/Amigos

HOLY COW! I cannot believe this past week I had the chance to do my very first Skype with the family! I seriously thought this time would never come, after I hung up the phone on a Tuesday morning when I was leaving the MTC! I looked at it as though it was 6 months away and thought it would take forever for that time to come! And now, I'm sitting here typing another dang email, with my first Christmas under my belt away from the family!

This week was absolutely amazing, due to the fact that I was able to talk with my family! It was such a great experience, but the fact that we found 4 new Investigators, made it an even better week! I'm not to sure how solid all 4 of them are going to be, but I will say, that 2 of them I can see wearing their whites and entering the waters of Baptism! It has been so amazing!

Tuesday we had our very first District meeting this transfer and Elder Martin our District leader did an amazing job with bringing the spirit into the meeting! We talked about the Birth of our Savior Jesus Christ, and were able to have a open discussion about it! It was so amazing it truly made me think deep about what the true meaning of Christmas is! I was invited to share my testimony at the end of the meeting! You guys can already guess I'm sure, but yes I got emotional! Ha ha I am just an emotional guy alright? Don't Judge me! ha ha

Wednesday, the day of Christmas, was a decent day! Other than the Fact I was able to talk with my family the day wasn't that great! However, we did have the crazy opportunity to have 8 Elders stay the night at our Apartment which was a little wild! We had some good times though sharing crazy stories and just being up all night laughing and cracking jokes on Christmas Eve! Being able to talk with the family was absolutely amazing! It's weird to think that I only have 3 more Skype calls left before I'll be home! And also that I have been out on my mission for more than 6 months now! Isn't that a little wild? Our Christmas day was what we call a Bucket day and all we did was hang out at members homes all day! We hung out with Presidente Johnson and another family in Windsor, after we played our 1 and Half hour of Sports! Other than that Christmas was good!

Thursday was a great day! We just got right back into the missionary work! I'm not sure if anyone else had the same effect I did, but the whole day of Christmas we just sat around so Thursday I'm not to sure why, but my body was absolutely just exhausted! I'm not quite sure how this exactly happened but but we were able to teach one of our families that we don't get to see very often! They are doing absolutely amazing! La Familia Ochoa is a great family! We extended a invitation for Baptism, but they declined because they feel they need to receive an answer before they continue on with that goal!

Saturday was our Miracle day! We found 3 new Investigators saturday night! Elder Teisina remembered this guy that he had talked to before but we just hadn't ever gone back to see him! So before we taught the Martinez Family who just lived a few doors down we thought we would knock on his door and see how he was doing! Sure enough we got right into Jesus' home and began to teach him about the Book of Mormon and even set a date for baptism with him on the the 8th of February! I am so excited to see him progress! He will doing amazing! We also taught one of our investigators Raul with a member present and were able to Teach him a little bit more and help him to understand the Priesthood Authority! Great lesson! When we picked up our other 2 Investigators was when we taught the Martinez Family over and there cousin who actually live there with them were able to sit in on the lesson and wanted to learn more about the Plan of Salvation!

Sunday was quite the Crazy day! When you wake up with complete nerves in your stomach already  and you cannot quite remember why, and than your companion asks you ready for your talk we have today? I was just like oh NO! My talk went absolutely amazing though! We did so well, the both of us! Here is a copy of my talk! Have Abe translate it for you guys!   

    Hola Hermanas y Hermanos, buenos días! (Buenas tardes) Me Llamo Elder

Albertson, soy un nuevo misionero en la rama, pero estoy serviendo mi misión

for 6 meses.

 Quiero empezar dando gracias por la oportunidad que tengo de servir en este

Área, especialmente en este rama. También agradezco  por la oportunidad

que tengo de compartir un discurso sobre: como (Tener La Luz de Cristo) con

nosotros. Y también agradezco al Hermano Galván por llamar el viernes,

mientras que yo estaba un poco enfermo (casi muriendo) para dar este

discurso maravilloso. Y por Elder Teisina por aceptar esta maravillosa


    En esto momento me gustaría hablar sobre la luz de Cristo. En un video del

Apóstol (David A. Bednar ) habla un poco sobre esas cosas.

El video se llama "Patrones de Luz: La Luz de Cristo". Este tiene 3 partes y

cada una de ellas habla sobre diferentes cosas  pero todo acerca de la luz de


este video habla acerca de cuando nosotros necesitamos la luz de Cristo y de

como la luz de Cristo nos ayuda en nuestros tiempos difíciles.

    "La luz de Cristo es muy importante en nuestros vidas cotidianas y para

ayudarnos a perseverar hasta el fin."

Todos los personas (incluyéndome a mi)  queremos vivir con dios (nuestro

padre) y con Jesucristo (su hijo) pero solamente por medio del El Espíritu

Santo y La luz de Cristo podemos volver a vivir con ellos otro vez.

 Pero La pregunta es, ¿Cómo recibimos la Luz de Cristo?

 Para recibir La luz de Cristo nosotros necesitamos vivir de acuerdo con los

mandamientos de Dios.

Yo se que es muy difícil vivir los mandamientos y también de todas las cosas


tenemos que hacer para ser capases  de recibir la luz de Cristo,sin embargo a

medida que tratemos de vivir las cosas que nuestro padre celestial nos ha

pedido que hagamos, tendremos siempre la luz de Cristo con nosotros

durante todo nuestra vida.

por medio de la Oración,nuestros Padre Celestial nos Ayúda con los

necisitades que necesitamos para "Hacer lo Justo"!

    En Doctrina y Convenios Capítulo 88 versículo 6-7, 11-13

gusto esos versículos porque esos habla un poco

sobre la luz de Cristo y que todos los personas tienen la luz de Cristo y

también que la luz de Cristo se recibe de Dios.

 En una cita de un apóstol Brucé R. McConkie dice, Cristo es la luz; el

evangelio es la luz; el plan de salvación es la luz; todo lo que proviene de Dios

es luz; y quien recibe luz, y se cine a Dios, recibe mas luz; y esa luz crece en

fulgor hasta el día perfecto. De la misma manera que la luz del sol entra en el

cuerpo por los ojos naturales, también la luz de los cielos -la luz del Espíritu

que ilumina nuestras almas-entra por nuestros ojos espirituales” (La luz)

Todo el mundo necesita la luz de Cristo en la vida y se refleja mediante

nuestro ejemplo, porque hay personas en el mundo que reconocen la luz de

Cristo que llevamos con nosotros!

Incluso aquellas personas que pensamos no nos están vigilando o de los que

creemos que no nos están mirando!        ( Estamos Incorrectos!)......

Como miembros de la Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días,

tenemos más gente en nuestra comunidad que miran cada pequeña cosas

que hacemos, por el nombre que llevamos!..........(Jesucristo!)

 No sólo como misioneros, sino como miembros (también!) De hecho, me

gustaría compartir una experiencia rápida que tengo con esto ......

11 (once) días antes de la misión,fue bautizado un amigo mío (su nombre es)

Nick Edenfield, se convirtió en miembro de la Iglesia de Jesucristo de los

Santos de los Últimos Días! Sólo por el ejemplo de miembros fieles.

Y Esta es su historia: Nick era estudiante de último año que y se graduó en mi

clase mayor, y tenía todo su futuro por delante, teniendo en cuenta lo que

quería hacer..tenía una beca completa para la Universidad de Idaho para el

fútbol americano!

 Nick 1 (un) día decidió escoger lo que sería lo correcto para él en su vida o en

lugar de seguir la ruta y el camino que toda su familia y amigos que esperaban

y sońaban con él tomando y fumando!

Un jueves por la tarde recibí un mensaje de texto de Nick, preguntando si yo

sería capaz de asistir a unas charlas misionales con él!

Yo estaba muy sorprendido!

porque yo nunca había hablado con Nick sobre el evangelio de Jesucristo, ni

hecho algunas de las pequeñas cosas que hacen los misioneros.

Nick es un gran ejemplo de cómo los miembros podemos ser buenos

ejemplos y vivir a la altura de la iglesia, la gente ven en nosotros, y quieren

aprender más sobre él porque somos felicez. Cuando hablé con Nick al

respecto, le pregunté, ¿cuáles fueron algunas de las cosas que te llamaron la

atención? y te hizo estar interesado en la Iglesia?

Y su respuesta fue....... "Siempre supe que podía confiar en un miembro de

LDS, porque permanecen fieles a su palabra!" Y "Yo siempre pude decir que

incluso cuando los tiempos eran difíciles.........ustedes en la escuela siempre

son tan felices o alegres, y eso era lo que realmente quería saber y ver si

podía yo tener esa alegría, así como ustedes" Como resultado de todo esto

Nick fue bautizado el 15 de junio!

Este es un gran ejemplo de cómo reflejamos la luz de Cristo con nosotros en

nuestra vida, y que somos capaces de difundir la luz de Cristo y sin siquiera

saber lo compartimos!

Antes de términar, quiero compartir mi testimonio con ustedes....

En el nombre de Jesús Cristo, Amén!

This week was absolutely amazing! I was so happy to be able to see all you guys and hear from you all as well!

Thank You's-
So since I won't be able to send out Thank you Cards to everyone just because the fact that as a missionary I do not have the money! I will be saying Thank you through my Email...

1) Mom, Dad, Family- Thank you guys so much for all the Wonderful things you all sent me for Christmas.. Jerky, Journal, Calendar, Watch, Gloves, Red Robin Gift Cards, Treat Box, Stocking full of Goodies, Especially the Gift Cards, Pen and pencil! It was a great Christmas and I thank you all so very much! PS: Mom Dad won't ever be able to keep up with all my Jerky eating habits so please let him keep trying! :)

2) Grandma Cheney- Thank you so very much for the Wonderful new Binder, Summer Sausage, Tooth Brush, Tooth Paste, and Last but not Least the Rain Suit! I will need it eventually but right now were in a Drought! So everyone says! Thank you so very much though!

3) Grandma Colleen- Thank you so much for that wonderful card, and the Cash! But definitely thank you for the Wonderful Tie of Grandpas! Im afraid I will have to send it home though because it has way to much Sentimental Value and I wouldn't want to ruin it! Thank you so very much!

4) Grandma Albertson- Thank you so very much for the wonderful Christmas card! And the Coin that I a very touching messaging that goes with that! Also the gift cards are great! They will definitely be getting used here in the Near Future! Thank you so very much! 

5) La Familia Petersen- Thank you all so very much for the Cash! I hope it didn't take away from Ethan and Pudges Christmas, cause I don't know if they will ever forgive me! Ha ah You guys are amazing! I love the letters I get from you guys! I miss you all so very much! Thank you for the Wonderful Cash! I Cannot promise that it will be spent wisely though! :0

6) Daren & Janae Family- Thank you guys so very much as well! The gift cards are great! I can promise they will be spent wisely on the food my body needs! Thank you so very much! 

7) Nampa 5th Ward- Thank you all so very much for the wonderful package you guys put together for me! It wil be eaten wisely and the EmergenC things came in handy considering I have been sick lately! So thank you all so very much! 

Well my Week was amazing! I miss you all and Love you all so very much! Continue in Faith and press forward!

Love, Elder Albertson!

Ps: Dad every missionary who eats your Jerky Falls in love with it!
PSS: I'm sorry there are not Photos they will be there next week! I forgot my Memory Card!

 Is that really Parker in the kitchen?

First home in Sonoma, CA.

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